Thursday, January 28, 2016

Greetings All

     Coming back to college after 25 years was a very scary experience. I learned alot more than just classroom knowledge. I learned from alot of you students. I have great hope in your generation to straighten out some of the mess that past generations have got us to where we are today. A prime example is our federal government. I would have never imagined that our so called leaders could actually be so petty to think that it's alright to let the government shut down and not just once. I look around at many of you and I see some very smart young adults. There is so much corruption in politics today at all levels. One day we elect a man to one of texas's highest offices the next day we are sending him to prison. Please this election when you vote and please vote think strongly about the issues. Most of us older people only worry about which party would be the best and not the person we put into office. Thank you for giving me hope for America.

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