Saturday, February 27, 2016

Why I'm against taxpayer-funded lobbying

Senator Konni Burton-R-Colleyville

     This article is senator Konni Burton's opinion on why she prefers to meet with private lobbyist over government entities.
     She believes that the private lobbyist are much better prepared on their proposals and more professional in their knowledge and because they are privately funded they are not stealing from the taxpayer. Her point being is they represent large companies that support many families that will in turn spend money that will go back into their local businesses helping to support the local communities.
     She believes that taxpayer lobbyist whom support schools, water districts, cities, county roads and community colleges are descending on congress to advocate for legislation that is not in the best interest of the taxpayer.
     Let me get this straight, she believes that it is more important to listen to big business who's sole purpose is to make profits for their investors. While these taxpayer lobbyist who represent the people trying to get better programs for schools and keep our water departments with the best and latest equipment are a waste of taxpayers money. These supposedly less intelligent and less prepared peoples advocates are trying to make sure our communities are getting the best possible health care and the best education are not worth her time. She also thinks it is strange that others think her office policy of not seeing lobbyist that advocate the taxpayer is wrong.
     Did we vote this lady into office? What were we thinking?
     It is my opinion and many of those that commented to this article, is that she has it backwards. Big business cares about their own agenda and how they can keep competition down. Most of them do not put back into the communities and could care less about schools, water, hospitals and roads.
     My next question is why did she vote against homeowners being able to sue insurance companies when they denied claims for natural disasters like tornadoes. Aren't these the same big businesses that are lining the pockets of our governor and Lt. governor with large campaign contributions.
     She introduced Senate Bill 711 last season which would have outlawed any membership association or organization of a political subdivision to employ lobbyist or contribute to political campaigns. I guess it is ok for big business to throw millions of dollars to make sure they have a politician in their pocket but it is not ok for the public to back their chosen representative. She claims that she looks forward to working with interested parties to craft the language so their bill passes. I suppose those parties she would allow into her office would have to qualify under her office policy rules.
     It is my opinion that this election we do our best not to reelect senator burton and others like her. Come on fellow Texans let's put on our thinking caps this coming Tuesday.